木材剥皮机 采用敞开料仓,一头进料,另一头出料的流水线式作业,克服了现有剥皮机停电进料、出料分段式工作方式的缺点,工作效率高。 对木材的适应性强,可对不同树种、直径、长度和形状的木材进行剥皮,由于木材做回旋运动和不规则跳动,故弯曲原木的凹凸部位也能与剥皮齿牙很好的接触。因此,对弯曲原木的剥净率相比其它滚筒式剥皮机效率提高数倍。 Use the open hopper,feeding at one end ,and discharging at the other end,overcome the disadvantages of cetional work style materials feeding and discharging during the power cut for present debarking machine,improve working efficiency. It has a strong adaptability for wood;can peel different species,diameter,length and shape of bent wood have a nice touch with peeling teeth.Therefore,the peeling rate for bending wood is much higher than other drum type debarking machine.